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The Issues view provides an overview of all issues detected by the system. It allows you to filter visible issues by time range and facets such as location, device, severity, and status. The view also includes a graphical representation of the number of issues detected over time.

Issues are generated by the system when an alert condition is met. An alert condition is defined by a rule set up in the Alert definitions view.

Additionally, the system can create issues based on data received from the device using pre-trained machine learning models. This feature is available on demand and requires a separate license.

Issue List

The issue list displays issues relevant to the selected time range and filters. It may also auto-refresh to show new issues as they are reported.

Issue Details

The details view provides more information about an issue, including the time it was detected, the rule that triggered it, and the source of the issue (such as a metric with a specific rule). All related devices are listed and can be navigated from this view.

You can acknowledge the issue by clicking the Acknowledge button. This will mark the issue as acknowledged and visible in the list. This is particularly important for alerts that may require immediate attention.

You can also resolve the issue by clicking the Resolve button and providing resolution comments and type.