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The Events view allows to browse all events collected by the system. Dependent on the use case, these events may be generated by the monitored devices or may be related to the business logic of the system.

Event chart

In the Events view, you can see a chart displaying the data in two different ways:

  • in a line chart, showing the cumulative number of events over time (this is the default view),
  • as swim-lanes, showing detailed information about each event for a given device (for up to 5 devices).

The chart can be filtered by time range using the time selector or via click and drag on the chart. Moreover it can be filtered by location, device, event type or title using facet search available via standard filter functionality.

Event list

Beside the chart, the Events view displays a list of all events matching current filters. The list provides detailed information about each event and is complementary to the chart view.


The Events view is designed to help you understand the system's behavior and to identify potential problems in business processes that is observed. In case of investigation of a specific issue, the Events view can be used to find the root cause of the problem or the sequence of events that led to the issue.