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In the Devices view, you can see all devices that collect data for the system. Depending on the observed system's type, these devices might be physical devices or sensors connected to a physical devices (gates, beams, scales, etc.).

Device List

The device list provides an overview of all devices connected to the system in either a grid or list view. Both views display the same data, but the grid view emphasizes device status visualization, while the list view is more compact and provides detailed information for each device.

You can filter the device list using queries and facets:

  • Query filter: Search for devices by textual values (e.g., name or other textual attributes).
  • Facet filter: Filter devices by repetitive fields (e.g., health status, location, or type).

Device Details

The device details view displays all information for a specific device, including its name, type, location, health status, and more. The view is divided into several sections:

  • Details: General device information (e.g., name, type, location) and device alerts based on collected metrics.
  • Metrics: A list of all metrics collected from the device.
  • Events: A list of all events related to the device.
  • Active Issues: A list of all active issues related to the device.
  • Assets: A list of all assets related to the device (e.g., manuals, warranties, the latest picture of the device).