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Alert Definitions

The Alert definitions view allows you to configure alerts based on specific criteria. Alerts are triggered when the defined metric exceeds the target threshold within the specified time window. You can set up alerts for any device and metric in your system. This alerting mechanism helps differentiate between normal system behavior and potential problems. You can define thresholds for early problem detection (warnings) or immediate action (alerts).

Alert Definitions List

The Alert definitions list displays all configured alerts. It provides an overview of the alert name, associated device, monitored metric, and conditions for warnings and alerts. You can edit and manage your alerts from this list.

Alert Definition and Management

From the Alert definitions view, select an alert to view and manage its details or create new ones. Define the alert name, device, metric, alert conditions, and notifications through a multi-step process.

Alert Notification Channels

Set up alert notifications through external channels like email or Slack. This allows you to get notified when alerts occur and take appropriate action.

Incidents and Alerts

Incidents are created when alert conditions are met. The system creates incidents for both warnings and alerts, but they are handled differently:

  • Warnings: Automatically created and closed when the condition is no longer met.
  • Alerts: Automatically created and require manual resolution.
Rules of thumb for setting up alerts
  • Choose the right notification channel based on alert severity. Use email or watched Slack channels for critical alerts requiring immediate attention, and offline channels for less critical alerts.
  • Use alerts for troubleshooting to track specific issues.

Intelligent Alerting

It is possible to set up alerts based on data received from the device using pre-trained machine learning models. This feature is available on demand and requires a separate license. Get in touch with your account manager for more information on this feature.