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The Data Platform is the foundational layer of co.brick observe, designed to aggregate various data types for processing and analysis. It supports metrics (time series), logs, technical events, and business events from multiple sources.

Aggregated data is stored in scalable storage systems and can be retrieved on demand for analysis, dashboard displays, and advanced processing, such as with machine learning models.

Due to its flexible design, the platform can be extended with custom data sources and processing pipelines, making it suitable as a data hub for various use cases:

  • Building custom ML models for:
    • Predictive maintenance
    • Anomaly detection
  • Process optimization
  • Resource allocation
  • Enhanced decision-making
  • Historical data analysis

Data Aggregation

Data aggregation involves collecting and combining data from multiple sources into a single dataset.

The co.brick observe platform can aggregate data of various types and formats at scale, with high throughput and low latency. It supports the Open Telemetry (OTel) standard and allows direct integration through APIs, enabling users to enhance the platform's data reservoir with use-case-specific data.

Data Storage

Data is stored in secure cloud storage in compliance with data protection regulations. For more details, refer to the Privacy Policy.

Data Retention Policy

Data retention policies depend on the chosen subscription plan and on demand can be customized to meet specific requirements.

Types of Aggregated Data


Metrics are collected as time series and represent numerical values that indicate the state of a system or device at a specific point in time. They are used to monitor both technical and business aspects, such as:

Technical MetricsBusiness Metrics
TemperatureLead Time
HumidityProduction Output (units)
WeightMachine Downtime
Signal StrengthScrap Rate
Battery LevelNumber of Produced Items
LatencyEnergy Use
UptimeInventory Levels


Logs provide detailed records of events occurring within the system in textual form. They are essential for troubleshooting, understanding system behavior, and maintaining operational integrity.


Events are records of actions occurring within an application or system. In the co.brick observe platform, events may relate to technical aspects (e.g., device reboots, software updates) or business aspects (e.g., order placements, customer interactions, workflow events, detected incidents).