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System Report

The system report provides a general overview of the static aspects of the system. It serves as a valuable starting point for analyzing the system and should be regularly reviewed to detect changes that may impact the security, stability, or performance of the system.

System Report

Typically, the report reveals weak points in the system that should be addressed but are often overlooked by system administrators, assuming the system is functioning correctly. It highlights potential issues with deployed resources and configurations, aiding in the prevention of problems before they arise.

The report is segmented into sections that identify problems in the following areas:

  • General Issues
  • Containers
  • Pods
  • Security
  • Workloads (Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet)
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  • Nodes
  • Namespaces
  • Pod Disruption Budgets
  • Persistent Volumes/Persistent Volume Claims
  • Services
  • Replica Sets
  • Network Policies
  • Role-Based Access Control

Each check is assigned one of the following statuses:

  • Error - The check failed and requires immediate attention.

  • Warning - The check failed and needs attention.

  • Info - The check failed, and recommendations are provided.

  • OK - The check passed, and no action is required.

Highest priority failed check is also listed nest to the section title for quick reference.

For advanced users, the report is also available in RAW format (JSON) and can be used for further processing or archiving.

Under the hood, the report is based on Popeye - A Kubernetes Cluster Sanitizer, and each reported issue is assigned a code that can be referenced for more information in the Popeye error codes cheatsheet.